How to Ask For Word-of-Mouth Referrals

MARCH 17, 2021

How to Ask For Word-of-Mouth Referrals

When making an important decision, people turn to each other to better inform their choices. It’s a tradition as old as humanity itself, and it forms the core of referrals today. Providing friends, coworkers, family members and even strangers with a great recommendation resonates deeply with human nature. It’s like finding the best watering hole and coming back to tell the rest of the group—an act of service that people are eager to do because it gives them social credibility and puts them in good standing with their peers. 

In the vet industry, word-of-mouth referrals reflect the positive things your pet parents have to say about you. When pets and their owners have a great experience, they want to talk about it, and that enthusiasm can help grow your business.

How to Ask Pet Owners to Share Their Experiences 

  • Tell pet owners it’s the best compliment they could give. When they have a positive experience, customers will be eager to thank you. Send them a follow-up email and tell them referrals are a great compliment. That gives them an opportunity to sing your praises that they’re sure to act on.
  • Provide referral cards. Include referral cards with a treat bag for their pet as another reminder to customers to send you a referral if they were happy with your service. Treat bags often go to use, and if customers have a great experience then that referral card may motivate them to talk about their vet.
  • Offer a rewards program. People love great deals. By offering a referral program, you provide incentive for new customers to come in, and encourage existing customers to get additional treatments for their pets when needed. If pet owners already feel good about you, then sweetening the pot may be all they need to tell their friends.
  • Just ask. Most happy customers are willing to refer your business, but few do. Simply asking in-person puts you top-of-mind, and reminds them of the great services they received at your veterinary practice. And with the right insights—like information you get from an NPS—you can pinpoint the customers who are ready to refer your clinic to others.

Remember, if customers love your veterinary practice, they will want access to it in the future. That means they have a vested interest in your success, and they’ll likely provide a referral or an online review when you request one. Implementing a mixture of techniques listed above, you’ll have everything you need to get more referrals. Make your pets’ parents happy and they’ll want to tell the world!


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